Thursday, April 2, 2009

Weight-loss Product Recall - and Why Shortcuts Don't Work

I've long been a proponent of gradual, maintainable weight loss - or more correctly, body-fat loss. The numbers on the scale don't tell you everything; you even can be leaner and more shapely at a higher weight, by increasing your lean muscle mass and reducing body fat.

However, I know we all want a "quick fix" sometimes! At times we may even feel we need one! I continue to advocate lifestyle changes over using quick fixes for weight loss - because in the physiological reality that governs our bodies, there are no safe quick fixes.

Many metabolic enhancers, short-term "detox" products, and fat absorbers contain unsafe ingredients that can have adverse effects on bodily functions.

A few reasons why quick fixes don't work:

1. Starvation mode: Restricting calorie intake by more than 100-300 calories per day can swing your body into a starvation mode, where it starts to hang on to fat and even slows the metabolism process. This is a safeguard against real "starvation" situations. I.e., "survival of the fittest" originally did not necessarily indicate the leanest!

2. Cannibalization of muscle: If you aren't consuming enough calories and protein to sustain energy and repair and rebuild muscle tissue during and after workouts, then your body gets energy from wherever it can - even right from your muscle tissue itself! First it uses all stored glycogen (food that has already been converted to ATP, or energy, whithin your body). Once it has depleted your available glycogen and stored fat, it turns to stored protein -- and finally, to muscle tissue.

3. Indiscriminate attacks on the body: Substances designed to absorb fat sometimes don't know the difference between fat and critical nutrients - so they can deprive you of vitamins you need, and even may cause your body to cannibalize muscle tissue!

4. Temporary water loss: Many weight-loss or detox programs cause you to lose several pounds within a few days by drastically lowering sodium intake and stripping your body of "water weight." Diuretic (water-draining) ingredients can actually dehydrate your body too, and cause more serious health problems.

You need some sodium and electrolytes for basic health and function of all bodily tissue, especially your muscles! The heart is a muscle too - if it gets dehydrated, you could be in serious trouble.

Muscle tissue needs water to recover from work. Ever notice how you're a little heavier after a strength workout or hard bike ride? You're just temporarily retaining water - exactly what your body needs to do. This is the right path to losing unwanted fat.

...So please, please, before falling prey to quick fixes, ask your trainer or nutritionist for help with leaning down for the long term!

On that note...

On March 23, 2009, the FDA recalled 72 over-the-counter weight-loss products due to "risky" ingredients.

Here's the list of banned OTC products:

"Some of the products claim to be 'natural' or to contain only 'herbal' ingredients, but actually contain potentially harmful ingredients not listed on the product labels or in promotional advertisements," the FDA said.

"These products have not been approved by the FDA, are illegal, and may be potentially harmful to unsuspecting consumers." Most products contain sibutramine.

The FDA stated that these products contained prescription-strength amounts exceeding the recommended dosage and could cause health risks to consumers. Adverse reactions range from high blood pressure, seizures, tachycardia, palpitations and increased risk of depression.

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